Dear reader,
I had a really fun conversation with AI. Let me give you some context: it's 2 pm on a Friday, and I'm struggling to get back to work. I'm not surprised. I know that later in the week, and later in the day, I get lower energy levels and it gets harder to focus.
I seriously can't stand staring at my screen and end up sitting on my couch, wondering whether I should just nap and rest for a bit. I feel like there's something more. I take out my phone, open the chatGPT app in voice mode. Our conversation when something like this:
L: Hey, I'm feeling really tired and low, and i’m struggling to work. Should I just nap or should I try moving?
AI: Well, how long has it been since your last bike session?
L: It's been a couple of days. I'm just feeling so drained.
AI: Why not give biking a try? It might help lift your spirits.
L: OK I guess, but no more than 20 min. I have to get back to work.
20 minutes later, I felt much better and went through my work tasks in a whim. I’m still tired, but it was so much easier to focus. Sometimes it’s just that easy.
What’s a small task that can be a game changer for your mood?
I haven't been writing as much lately. It has been hard to write as a hobby and not as a chore, since I have been a bit overwhelmed. I hope you understand and I hope you're well.
✍️ Dear language learner
Learn your target language with useful phrases! Here are a few to translate to test yourself. If they’re relevant to you, you can add them to your notes or spaced-repetition system.
🌱 Beginner
I'm feeling sleepy.
🌿 Intermediate
I would like to take a short nap.
🌳 Advanced
I wonder if I should go out instead to get moving?
📚 Learn more
Advice for beginners and people who feel stuck in language learning.
A fun and motivating template to find goals that matter to you.
A mini tutorial to have a voice call with AI - for free.
Thank you for reading “I heard from Lou”. It can be hard to find people who share your passion for learning. If you have friends who might like this letter, let them know.
Going back to basics and taking care of yourself will always be the most productive thing you can do ❤️❤️❤️
I should try this one day! Did ChatGPT already know you liked biking?
Take things easy 🙂