I will try out some of these habits especially the 3 to 5 year journal!

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It's the perfect time of the year to get one! It's not easy to write every day so I keep it to one short sentence (and the obligatory doodle) 😊

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I like the idea of only writing one sentence a day! I journal often in English and since I can write multiple paragraphs that take up a few pages, I've expected to do the same in my TLs.

I may start a 3 or 5 year journal in one of my TLs. I’ve been thinking about getting one but never thought about using it for my TLs.

The idea of typing rather than copy and pasting is great. Whenever I read a book or watch a show and find a phrase i like, I often write down the sentence. It definitely helps me notice new words and practice writing.

Recently I’ve taken a list of vocab words from my French conversation lesson and asked ChatGPT to give me example sentences. Some of these sentences ended up being sentences that had come up during my conversation so it was a perfect way to practice the vocab while writing them out!

And yes please share about your flashcard system!

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Using a sentence you're learning in a conversation is the best feeling! I never forget it once I used it in a real-life situation 😊

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I'd love to learn about your bespoke flashcard system!

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