I used to use pomodoro when I first started learning Chinese. It really helped with focusing and getting things done with breaks/rests in between. Glad to hear you got better!

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Apr 17Author

I'm glad it helped you too! It's such a good way to save your energy and avoid drowning in difficult tasks like studying a language or organising tasks at work.

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Love the LifeAt set-up (and with the Korean DJ I've just discovered a few weeks back too)!

I used a similar tool called StudyTogether for quite a while but stopped as I didn't love having to open my browser to use it. Now I don't have to, so thanks 😊

As for the burnout and resonating with hyperfocusing and so on, couldn't agree more. I really struggle to do NO language-related thing at all. Even when I'm watching a show in English, I'll usually set subtitles in one of my target languages so I get "some exposure." I've been trying to stop myself from doing this these days but habits are hard to kill.

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